N1 First ant fram(best for new queen or small group)

  • Product Code: farm
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $18.00

N1 First ant fram(best for new queen or small group)

START your ant colony today!

First ant fram(best for new queen or small group) N1

size: 75x36x18 mm

new queen or small group ants need a small home to keep them feel safe.

if you want keep ants, this is best choose for new player.

or if you want many queen group, you need many of those.

this is easy keep farm. water tube can keep farm mois and give them water to drink for around 1 month, so you don't have lots think need to do.

food feed can open and close easily. and this is only for small group ants. if you got new queen, you don't need feed them until workers coming.

one side can open/close for extension. you can connect a E1 or E2 living eare when your ant group getting bigger. living eare are selling separate.(some photo you can have a look). check my other list and buying together, only one shipping fees

the ants in photo are not include. but it's very easy to find a queen ants, can give litter help for the winner.

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